How to open the list of installed programs in Windows

Basic article – 5 ways to open the list of installed programs in Windows 10, 8.1, etc. Display a list to uninstall a program or export a list of programs to a file.


  1. Start Menu
  2. Folder This PC
  3. Control panel file appwiz.cpl
  4. Get list of programs using PowerShell
  5. Get list of programs using CMD

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Start Menu

Open the list of installed programs in Windows 10, 8.1.

This method also allows you to uninstall the program.

Quick way

  1. Click on the Start button with the right mouse button;
  2. Select Apps and Features.
How to open the list of installed programs in Windows

Standard way

  1. Open the start menu;
  2. Select Settings;
  3. Select Apps;
  4. Open the Apps & features list.
Windows 10 - List of Apps and Features

Folder This PC

In Window 10, you can also open the list of programs from the This PC folder menu.

This method also allows you to uninstall the program.

  1. Open This PC;
  2. In the folder ribbon (Ctrl+F1) select the Computer tab;
  3. Select Uninstall or change a program.
Open the list of installed programs from the folder menu This PC

Control panel file appwiz.cpl

Using the appwiz.cpl control panel file opens a list of installed programs in Windows 10, 8.1, 7 and earlier.

This method also allows you to uninstall the program.

Run the appwiz.cpl command from the Run (Windows+R) menu, Command Prompt, or PowerShell.

Windows - list Programs and Features using appwiz.cpl

Get list of programs using PowerShell

This method allows you to get a list of installed programs and export it to a file using Windows PowerShell.

To display a list of installed programs, run in PowerShell:

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table -AutoSize

To automatically export the list of installed programs to D:\list-of-programs.txt, run:

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table -AutoSize > D:\list-of-programs.txt

The text file with the name and version for the installed programs on your PC is generated and saved in the location you specified.

Get a list of programs using Windows PowerShell

Get list of programs using CMD

You can display a list of installed Windows programs and export to a file using Command Prompt and the wmic command.

Consecutively execute the commands to display the list of programs:

product get name, version

Run the commands in sequence to export the list of installed programs to the file D:\programs.txt:

/output:D:\programs.txt product get name, version

A text file with the name and version of the installed programs on your PC will be created and saved in the location you specified.

Export the list of programs to a file using CMD

? This basic article discussed how to open the list of installed programs in Windows. I hope you were able to get a list of installed programs in the selected way and follow the next steps. However, if you run into any problems, do not hesitate to write in the comments. I will try to help.

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